Monday, February 20, 2012


Fear was originally designed to protect us. However, evolution gave us brains with more fire power and sophistication than the other animals. We have been able to use it for exquisite pleasures, comforts, solutions, and indulgences; but, unfortunately to also develop overwhelming anxiety about death. Our imagination allows us to live in the future where death sits waiting for us.
Our brains solve problems, which leads to other problems,
which the brain again solves, on and on, except for he problem of death
And,once again our brains come to the rescue, with the invention of the "after life". You can't beat the brains.


Sexy is getting the imagination to run wild
with anticipated pleasures.
Nothing is sexier than money:
the imagination turns into wild horses.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Relationships: theory & practice & benefits:
Theory: being connected;
Practice: giving and accepting;
Benefits : intimacy.